I've updated this transceiver; now has wide band receive and an SDR output but now transmits on 50MHz & 70MHz only.
Below are some notes on how it once was.
One thing about building your own, you can modify as much as you like and I have always done that so when this rig fell into disuse on Two I decide to convert it to Four & Six.
The G4CLF board could always cover 1-500Mhz due to the wideband nature of the SBL-1 mixer , so now with the PA0KLT synthesizer fitted I decided to convert to Two and Four with wide band receive. So the rig now has an SDR IQ output that is derived from a little unit consisting of a hybrid quadrature, two diode ring mixers and an opamp with RF taken from a tap of the 10.7MHz IF. Transmit follows exactly the same route as before.
Basic block diagram |
The Two Metre SSB Transceiver as was This is how it looked for over twenty years. I must have had thousands of contacts using it. It is based around the G4CLF designed SSB exciter board that uses the Plessey SL series of IF and balanced mixer integrated circuits. (They are now obsolete). VXO controlled, this single band, single mode rig was permanently connected to a nine element Tonna but now that I've moved on to SDR it sees less service.
The VXO in this block diagram has been replaced with a PA0KLT synthesizer. (Updated 2010 and converted to 50/70 MHz transmit 2014) Built in 1982 20w out (2010) The rig will now tune from as low as 100kHz to 350MHz. VXO covered 144.150MHz to 144.500MHz (14.8444 X 9 = 133.6 + 10.7 = 144.3) PA 2N5246 Best DX UA3LAW KO54
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