Monday, 17 October 2011

Tropo S meter recording of GB3VHF

Here is a recording I made yesterday morning of the signal strength of the GB3VHF beacon which is located in Kent JO01eh as received here near Chippenham IO81wm.  It usually hovers around S6-7 here but there was a clear enhancement yesterday morning. Doubtless more distant repeaters and stations than normal where heard on FM.
The line on the graph is the signal strength of the beacon (-60dBm is S9+10db approx)  time goes right to left so the recording starts at 1140 ends at 1211.
Weather at first was fog with rain arriving round-about 1145 and then getting more persistent.
I think that the drop in conditions is very apparent.


Towards the end of the recording signal strength is bumping along at S5-6 (-90dBm). It's also a lot less stable than earlier.

The regular dips in the trace at the beginning are the WSJT tones sent by the beacon which produce a slightly lower average S meter reading.


This image shows the beacon increasing in signal strength.

Here is the link to the GB3VHF website and more info on this propagation report.

Hardware homebrew 144Mhz SDR - Software SDR-Radio by HB9DRV

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